Sunday, September 13, 2009

Patient Compliance To Prescribed Drug Regimens In The United States Is Appalling

(Excerpt from an article posted by Michael Pestorious in NJ voice Blog)

Patient compliance to prescribed drug regimens is appalling in the United States and is just as bad or worse worldwide.

According to medical data giant IMS, 3.8 billion prescriptions were written in the US in 2008. 70 percent were for generic drugs and over a quarter were mostly fully paid for by Medicare and Medicaid. Only 50-70 percent of those prescriptions make it from the doctor's office to the pharmacy. Some 25-30 percent of the prescriptions are consumed according to instructions and only 15-20 percent are refilled. If patients are not compliant, and their conditions worsen because of their non-compliance, is that the doctor or the pharmaceutical company's fault? These scary statistics underlay all medications for all diseases.

Proper compliance would make a much larger dent in reducing healthcare costs than any operational efficiency or government edict. According to the Office of the Inspector General, non-compliance costs taxpayers $80 billion per year in hospital admissions and lost productivity. Consider the cost difference between taking a daily heart medication for 25 dollars a month versus an ambulance ride and open heart surgery.

This Blog has seen other studies that show with the use of an Automatic Pill Dispenser patient medication compliance is tremendously increased. Medication compliance would even increase more if pharmacies in the United States would fill pill dispenser trays as they do in the UK.

The Med-E-Lert Automatic Pill Dispenser compares in quality and functions with automatic pill dispensers selling for $289.00, but retails for only $69.95.

To purchase a Med-E-Lert Automatic Pill Dispenser GOOGLE "Med-E-Lert"

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